Prophetic Word for the 30th of June 2022

Prophetic Word for the 30th of June 2022 - Those Things
The enemy will use the opening of the portal to strike down one third of my angels to the earth. These fallen angels will be part of the darkness that will covering the earth. There is war in Heaven.
The world will be in fear because of those things that will come down onto the earth. I warned about the upcoming snare in my scriptures. Now it will all come to pass. Darkness will cover the earth.
Those Things
The stars will fall from Heaven just before my son Jesus will return as the Light of the World. I will not allow the enemy that he will take my creation into the night. I have prepared my harvest workers as beacons of light in the dark places.
It will all begin with the opening of the portal and the spirit of Heaven that will give birth to my son Jesus on earth. Heaven is merging with the world so that the darkness can be overcome.
Those Things
The innocent ones will escape all those things that are coming down onto the earth through the portal in the snatching away to the Third Heaven. Every one else on the face of the Earth will enter the snare that is springing.
Only my chosen vessels are prepared and protected for this time. They will be the rock in the stone and they will bring in the harvest of the ages for my Kingdom. I will be with them always.
Triple Grace