Prophetic Word for the 30th of November 2021

Prophetic Word for the 30th of November 2021 - Lift up your heads
It is time! It is time! It is time! Lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing nigh. My son is coming with great light to take the brides into their places prepared for such a time as this.
This is the time that my prophets had spoken about. The time when Heaven and Earth merges together. The time when my Glory returns to this world and my son will come as the King of Kings.
Lift up your heads
Is it the end of all? No. But the beginning of the end. Seals will bring forth my masterpiece of the end times for the earth. Jesus is returning to start it all and to bring back the light into the world.
Mantles of light will be given to the sons of God and to the brides who have volunteered to stay and to bring in the harvest of the ages. Gifts beyond measure are available for the ones walking in the light.
Lift up your heads
Your salvation and redemption has come and you will see the light that I have sent you. The time is now and there is no further delay because the darkness is covering the earth.
You are called to stand in this darkness as the rocks in the storm. You are not only my true ambassadors but also walking as the images of the light in all the dark places that I am sending you to. Lift up your heads.
Triple Grace