Prophetic Word for the 30th of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 30th of September 2020 - Possibilities
Trust in my ways and have faith in my works. I am your Father and I see many lacking basic faith. They placing me and my Kingdom in a box and denying my powers.
Believe in your dreams and visions I am sending you. Believe in all possibilities that I can offer no matter how fantastic they may seem to you. I am omnipotent and a God of great power.
It hurts me when you dismiss the knowledge I send to you because you do not understand it with your human thinking. I am out of time and space and I can bring you forward or take you to the end by my command.
I can restore the end from the beginning and I can place Paradise on a Mountain. I can bend time and bring you to a place of safety in a twinkling of an eye.
Have Faith in my ways and that I will make a path where is no path and that I can bring forth trees and flowers in the desert. I sent Manna from heaven and water from the split rock. Why are you denying my powers?
My son Jesus told you that you should become like the children who trust the Father without questions. Have childlike faith in what I am showing you. Do not reject it because you look on it with your human eyes. But believe in all possibilities I am showing you.
Triple Grace