Prophetic Word for the 31st of August 2021

Prophetic Word for the 31st of August 2021 - Transition
It is time now! You will enter the month of transition in which my Kingdom will return to this world. A time of transformation and final instructions and also a time of repentance.
My son Jesus will walk the earth for 40 days. 40 days of repentance as the last chance to come out of her. After the 40 days the tribulation will start with wars, famines and pestilences.
It is very important now that you seek my Kingdom and its righteousness. Acknowledge your returning Lord and Savior when you see him and do not fall into the pit and snare of Satan.
Do not follow the world which will reject my son again claiming that he is the Antichrist. They were blinded and misled by the enemy and unfortunately most of my churches have also believed the lie.
For my chosen vessels, this period will bring great revelations, transformation and rejoicing with your bridegroom. Your life will change into your destiny and purpose that you always wanted.
You will receive all the gifts and blessings needed to bring in the harvest and to become the beacon of lights in this dark world. Trust my son Jesus and listen to his instructions. The great harvesting time has arrived.
Triple Grace