Prophetic Word for the 31st of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 31st of December 2021 - The day arises
The day arises in which you will rejoice because your redemption has come. My son Jesus, your bridegroom is standing at your door to collect you into the places that he has prepared for you.
This day of great rejoicing has come now and all the called and chosen brides are ready for the great union of Heaven. You went through many wildernesses and fires but now the day has come.
The day arises
My chosen brides will be finally standing before the Son of Man. The two will become one and my masterpiece of the end times will begin. Justice is coming onto the earth for all to see and experience.
My powerful warriors are entering the battlefield to be the standard and banner I am raising against the evil flood. The lines are drawn and the brides are standing ready for their upcoming destiny.
The day arises
In the moment when my son Jesus will knock at your door you will become a true son or daughter of my Kingdom. Belonging to my royal household as a co-heir with your bridegroom and Savior.
The day of great rejoicing is here because my son Jesus is walking the earth again. The time for the battles and harvest has come. Your destiny is just a stone throw away.
Triple Grace