Prophetic Word for the 31st of March 2021

Prophetic Word for the 31st of March 2021 - Parting Heaven
I am parting the heavens and come down. Dark clouds are under my feet. I am soaring on the wings of the wind. I am coming for you.
Out of the brightness of my presence clouds advance, with hailstones and bolts of lightning. The Father thunders from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounds.
Parting Heaven
I am shooting my arrows and scattering the enemy, with great bolts of lightning I route them. The valleys of the sea are exposed and the foundations of the earth lay bare.
I am coming for my bride to rescue the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Who can stand my arrival and who has made themselves ready for my appearance.
Parting Heaven
I reach down from on high and take hold of you; I will draw you out of deep waters. I rescue you from your powerful enemy, from your foes, who were too strong for you.
They confronted you in the day of your disaster, but I, the Lord, am your support. I bring you out into a spacious place; I rescue you because I delight in you. I am coming for my Bride.
Triple Grace