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Prophetic Word for the 31st of October 2020

Prophetic Word for the 31st of October 2020 - Rise of evil

Evil will rise on this weekend but do not be afraid. My Glory workers will also be called into action. They are stronger then they believe and they are my lights in the darkness.

An army of prepared warriors will move through the earth to take the battle to the gates. To stand strong against the principalities of the air and his minions.

Rise of evil

Evil must rise so that finally the battle between good and evil can take place. I have made the earth the footstool for my son Jesus and now is the time to step on snakes and scorpions.

You are called as my harvest workers and warriors to proclaim the Kingdom of God to all nations, all tongues and all races. My voices will be heard on all continents and all cities and then the end will come.

Rise of evil

Do not fear the upcoming 3 days of darkness because I am with you and you are covered. Stand with me and listen to my prophets that I have sent among you. They bring forth my messages faithfully without alterations or agendas.

Come my children, come and gather together so that I can bless you for your upcoming mission. You will prepare the way for my only begotten son Jesus to become King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Know that you are blessed. Obey my voice and walk wherever I guide you.


Triple Grace


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