Prophetic Word for the 3rd of December 2020

Prophetic Word for the 3rd of December 2020 - Call to the Nations
My Call to the Nations has gone out and was brought to you by my voices that I use for such a time as this. They were obedient and called you out of the World, Babylon and the old church ways.
However I do not see your commitment, your readiness to serve my Kingdom. Only a few volunteers came forward who were willing to prepare the way for my only begotten son Jesus and his second coming.
Call to the Nations
Do you doubt my words sent? Do you believe that I will not do a new thing even when it is stated in my holy scriptures? Do you think that you have done everything to deserve an escape?
Do not be mistaken. The Call to the Nations was from me and my servants who were acting on it will be blessed abundantly. I will close the door for this opportunity to serve me now. Then you will be left outside in the outer court which I will hand over to the Antichrist.
Call to the Nations
I am long suffering but even with my chosen people in the desert there came a time when my patience ran out. For you and the fallen world this time has come and the door will close.
You had a choice between life and death but you opted for death and so shall it be. You have free will and you decided to stand with the world and against my heavenly Kingdom. Brace yourself because my judgements will fall. War is coming.
Triple Grace