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Prophetic Word for the 3rd of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 3rd of December 2021 - An amazing destiny

You try to figure out how your destiny will unfold. Every day you seek me for the day of your transformation and what will happen during your harvest work for my heavenly Kingdom.

You would not believe it even if I would tell you right now. It is in the moment far beyond your comprehension. Time and law changes that you can't understand in the world you live in now.

An amazing destiny

It will be such an amazing new life with access to many different time lines and dimensions. Being able to move freely from the past to the present to the future with out restraint.

Bringing different events together to assist you in your harvest work so that prison doors will be opened for the lost sheep. Being able to set the captives free in a powerful way as never before.

An amazing destiny

Places to see and live in that you always wished for with a new family of equally blessed warriors of New Zion. Bringing my light into the dark places of the enemy and fulfilling the call of your heart.

It will be so amazing that words can't describe the blessings and miracles that will follow you on your new path. I have prepared the places and the resources you need so that your destiny will be amazing. It is time to live a new life.


Triple Grace


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