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Prophetic Word for the 3rd of February 2021

Prophetic Word for the 3rd of February 2021 -The final leg

The race will come to an end. You are on the final leg and soon you will be able to see the finishing line. I know that you are exhausted, broken down and weary but muster now all your reserves to finish the race strong.

Your rewards are waiting for you at the finishing line. The crown as an overcomer, eternal life and transformation into a new body. For some of my brides this will be the final race but my harvesting bride will be strengthened to continue the walk for my Kingdom.

The final leg

Greater rewards awaiting the ones who run the next race towards Mount Zion, who will bring in the harvest of the ages and who will prepare the way for my only begotten son Jesus.

Do not worry. I will give you rest before the next race will start. A rest that you will spend with Jesus himself. He will give you the Kingdom powers you need to finish the second race.

The final leg

My 144000 will even run a third race that will bring them to their limits when they will stand before Satan and the demonic entities. I will prepare them well with supernatural powers for this final race.

As for now, my true sons and daughters, finish the final leg of the first race in righteousness and truth. The finishing line is at the horizon and soon you will have made it. I read your heart and I knew that you will be able to finish the race strong.


Triple Grace


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