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Prophetic Word for the 3rd of July 2021

Prophetic Word for the 3rd of July 2021 - Change

You ways and thinking will change. From worldly to heavenly. You will enter a new place that will bless and keep you until the day when my angels will come to collect you for Mount Zion.

Change is at hand and a mighty paradigm shift is here. Everything will change and you will walk a complete new path of knowledge and understanding. You will experience things that you have never seen before.


You understanding of my Glory and Heaven will also change and you will be able to understand the underlying pattern of my creation. All will come together now and the final puzzle pieces will bring forth my masterpiece.

I will reveal wisdom that you would not accept right now in your worldly ways. Understanding of my ways that the churches would reject as blasphemous due to the infiltration of wrong teachings and religious spirits.


You were selected because I know that you will not reject my heavenly wisdom and that you will fall to your knees when all will be revealed. I will come and will show you my true ways and all what is related to it.

Have an open mind as I know you. Allow me to guide you to the final truth that will be different in many major aspects of the churches. Nevertheless, it is the truth and the truth will set you free. Only when you are free you can enter the enemy places to set my lost sheep free. Expect great changes in understanding and standing for my Kingdom. I have chosen you well. You will comprehend my secrets.


Triple Grace


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