Prophetic Word for the 4th of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 4th of April 2021 - A new Song
I am calling you out so that you sing a new song with me. A song of joy. A song of blessings and hope. A song of my Kingdom.
I have trained you in this new song and now go out and teach it to the lost sheep and the sleeping churches. Teach them the new song of my Kingdom.
A new Song
Only you, my chosen vessels, can sing this song and only you were given the music. My angels and saints will sing with you in a beautiful choir.
When this song will be heard in the whole earth then the end is near. My harvest workers will sing it in the morning, during the day and in the evening.
A new Song
This song has the power to set the people free. Their shackles and bondage will fall of from them when they hear the song. It will turn the hearts of the children back to their Father.
A new song will be placed on earth to heal, to raise and to set the captives free. My chosen remnant will sing it to the whole world and will bring in a huge harvest.
Triple Grace