Prophetic Word for the 4th of April 2022
Prophetic Word for the 4th of April 2022 - So fitting
You will find your new destiny and your new mantles of light so fitting. All is perfectly made for each and every harvest worker and warrior. Also your destinies are slightly different you will all serve me.
Once you have gone through the portal and have experienced the transformation you will find yourself in new positions. In places that you always dreamed about with all the power needed to make a difference.
So fitting
The time has come to change your clothing. From filthy wrecks to powerful warriors. My Remnant Army is ready to be deployed in the nations. Your whole life will change in a twinkling of an eye.
My son Jesus will walk with you for 40 days and thereafter he will be your Commander in Chief for the great battles against the evil flood. My Kingdom has chosen and created the best vessels for the fight.
So fitting
New gifts, mantles and resources are stored up for you. The old will be gone and a new beginning will be seen. In time and space where you before were unable to make an impact. Now you will shine and you will set many lost sheep free.
Everything I have for you will be perfectly fitting your situation and your destiny. I have prepared you for this moment in time so that the new mantles will fit your shoulders. I am the potter and you are my vessels.
Triple Grace