Prophetic Word for the 4th of December 2020

Prophetic Word for the 4th of December 2020 - The door is closed
My remnant has entered the Ark and now I have closed the door behind them. Sudden destruction will follow and the Heaven and Earth will be shaken.
I will use my remnant warriors to stand against the evil flood that is rising right now and they will proclaim my Kingdom in all nations on earth.
The door is closed
My remnant army of Kings and Priests is small because only a few were believing my words sent out from several of my mouthpieces. Most people decided to stay in the world rather than to trust me and my calling.
I am so proud of you, my remnant warriors. You have separated yourself from the world, dedicated yourself towards my Kingdom and now I will elevate you into your destiny to become Kings and Priests on earth.
The door is closed
Rest assured that you stay sound and safe in the Ark that you have entered and that I will never leave nor forsake you. My hedge of protection will surround you and you will walk in wonders and miracles.
I will provide for you so that you can step onto the path to prepare the second coming of my only begotten son Jesus without any hindrances. You will walk in angel powers and a restored body as true ambassadors of my Kingdom on earth. As for the churches and the mass of Christianity, they decided to disobey my voice and will be given over to the Antichrist. The door is closed.
Triple Grace