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Prophetic Word for the 4th of February 2021

Prophetic Word for the 4th of February 2021 - The Dress Rehearsal

Are you ready for the dress rehearsal? Every wedding has a dress rehearsal just a few days before the main event. Your dress rehearsal is now coming up.

I will bring dreams and visions to show you where to go and what to say when the great day of meeting my son will come. Have you written your vows? Is your wedding garment clean and ready?

The Dress Rehearsal

It is not only a dress rehearsal for the wedding but also one for the coming Millennium Kingdom. You need to be shown how to live and act in the new Kingdom on earth.

The time is so short and soon your destiny will begin. But do not worry. Nothing will come to you that I have not shown before hand. The Holy Spirit will be send out in the next days to prepare the bride for her great day.

The Dress Rehearsal

Do not be surprised when you will find yourself standing in paradise with all the wedding guests in your dream. Just know that I am showing you how it will come to pass. I want a perfect wedding for my son and the dress rehearsal will prepare you.

As for the Millennium Kingdom, more and more details will be released so that you will become a perfect citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. You will be able to stand with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords at that time. Get ready! The dress rehearsal is now.


Triple Grace


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