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Prophetic Word for the 4th of July 2022

Prophetic Word for the 4th of July 2022 - Wake up!

I will shake the Heavens and the Earth. The time has come to judge this wicked and evil generation. Wake up! My mighty hand is moving on earth. The portal has opened and a new beginning is here.

Take your positions for my Kingdom in the nations and be my true sons and daughters who will spread the truth to set the captives free. The mantle of light will be bestowed onto your shoulders.

Wake up!

Do not sleep any longer. Do not hide your light before the world. Enter your destiny and purpose that I have for you in this moment of time. The anointing will come for you and you will be changed forever.

Don't you know that you will meet God? Don't you feel the tribulations and darkness in the air. Peace is taken from this world and the enemy is preparing to bring down his fallen ones.

Wake up!

Do not stand in perplexity with the world but listen to my voice and hear the trumpet blow. You need to be ready for the great shift. All will change because my word will stand forever.

Wars, famines and pestilences will take my sleeping creation into captivity. Death and Hades will overrun the earth but I have sent my light so that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Wake up now!


Triple Grace


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