Prophetic Word for the 4th of March 2021

Prophetic Word for the 4th of March 2021 - Your birth
I am birthing you into your destiny. Into a new season of powerful grace. A season of mighty increase where you will do great exploits in my holy name.
The time has come for the birth of the Sons and Daughters of God. You will breakthrough and you will breach out as a child does at the time of birth.
Your birth
A new beginning is here. A new season full of blessings from me, your Father, if you follow my commands and walk the narrow and righteous path towards Mount Zion.
My grace will rest on you so powerfully that all will see it. As the Israelites saw Moses head glowing so will the world see your whole body on fire.
Your birth
In this new season you will walk as an image of my only begotten son on earth being his hands and his feet towards a fallen world. Great wonders and miracles will follow you.
The time of your birth has come. Get ready for a supernatural breakthrough. A breach within the wall through which you will enter a new time of increase.
Triple Grace