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Prophetic Word for the 4th of March 2022

Prophetic Word for the 4th of March 2022 - Moving swiftly

You need to move swiftly now, my children. Move from the World into my Kingdom. Separate yourself from the temptations on earth and seek my Kingdom first and foremost. I am waiting for you.

Moving swiftly through time and space to enter your destiny and purposes in the nations. Becoming my voices speaking forth the truth of Heaven when the enemy tries to establish lies.

Moving swiftly

It is time to stand on each and every battlefield for my Glory and the Glory of your bridegroom. Time is rushing towards the mega event and more clarity will be given of what you will see and experience.

The final preparations are here and you need to trust me with all of your heart, mind and soul. You are my children selected for such a time as this and I require childlike faith from you.

Moving swiftly

Time is accelerating as never before and so very soon you will be standing before the Son of Man. My chosen and trusted brides for my only begotten son and my powerful warriors for the seal tribulations.

You are ready to be placed into the nations as my witnesses and ambassadors to spread the truth that will set many of my lost sheep free. Your voice will be the voice of the shepherd and the sheep will follow you. Move now swiftly into position.


Triple Grace


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