Prophetic Word for the 4th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 4th of May 2022 - Whole New World
You will enter a new time. A time in which you will serve me as never before. I will make all things new so that the harvest of the ages can be brought in. I am looking for my lost sheep.
A whole new world is awaiting you in which you will be my ambassadors in the nations. You will seek the prodigal sons and daughters for a new beginning in Paradise. I have created a whole new world.
Whole New World
You will have no lack but plenty of resources and that what was once impossible will now be done with ease. The harvest time will see my glory and power on earth. Seek my Kingdom first and then everything else will be given to you.
My son Jesus will bestow the mantle of light onto your shoulder so that you can walk as his images and brides in the nations. Many of my lost sheep will see that light and will be drawn to it.
Whole New World
Trust your Father that I have prepared you well and that my angels will hold back the evil wind so that you can fulfill your destiny and purpose in the world. You are called and chosen for such a time as this.
My powerful harvest workers and warriors of the Remnant Army of New Zion operating in a whole new world created by me. The Heaven and the Earth are merging together so that my lost sheep will have a new chance and beginning.
Triple Grace