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Prophetic Word for the 4th of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 4th of November 2020 - Likeness

I created you in my likeness but still many deny my power. I ask you to walk in the likeness and image of my only begotten son but many mock my messages.

You are created perfectly to walk the path of glory for my Kingdom and to prepare the way for my son Jesus to set up the Millennium Kingdom in Jerusalem.


You were wonderfully made and prepared well for such a time as this. Why have you fallen away from the narrow path and have listened to the enemy, Satan.

He wants you to keep yourself busy with worldly things so that you miss the time of your visitation. He wants to make you his images. Do not give in to his schemes.


Created in the Garden and to the Garden you will return but until then I am calling you out to work for my Kingdom and to bring in the harvest of the ages.

You are my true sons and daughters and co-heirs with my son Jesus to the Kingdom. Stand up, lift your voices and proclaim that the Kingdom has come. Call the Nations into repentance and show them the path to eternal life, towards Mount Zion.


Triple Grace


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