Prophetic Word for the 4th of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 4th of September 2021 - Are you ready?
Your destiny is waiting for you and the mantles of light are stored up in the Heavens for all harvest workers. Are you ready? Have you forsaken the World? Have you come out of Babylon? Have you separated yourself from the lukewarm Churches?
I need clean and spotless vessels to grant them the gifts and blessings from the Heavens. The world has nothing to offer and Babylon tries to tempt you into the snare of Satan. Even my Churches have gone astray.
Are you ready?
My powerful warriors in the Remnant Army of new Zion are chosen sons and daughters who have a warriors' heart and have proven that they will always stand for my Kingdom no matter how difficult the situation gets.
I call them my true ambassadors on earth and they have received many revelations through dreams and visions. They are walking in Spirit and Truth knowing that their final race will take them through the valley of the shadow of death.
Are you ready?
They had to volunteer also most of them had promised me in Paradise already to seek the lost sheep and to return them to my Kingdom. Free will is a law of Heaven and Earth. So they volunteered for the harvest work.
Now the time of their deployment has come. My son Jesus is returning for 40 days onto the earth for instructions and repentance. There is no more delay. You are one of my warriors called for such a time as this. Are you ready?
Triple Grace