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Prophetic Word for the 5th of August 2021

Prophetic Word for the 5th of August 2021 - Push

It might be painful but now you must push. You have no idea of the blessings that are in store for you when you keep on the path and when you stand against the evil master. My promises will be fulfilled.

This is the season of birth and you need to push through. I see your suffering, your torment and how the enemy is attacking you right and left. I see your sorrows for your family and all who have taken the toxin.


But I tell you to persevere and to stay strong and you will enter a new place of unimaginable beauty filled with all the resources and blessings you need to fight back. To repay the enemy side for all that they have done to you.

Do not seek understanding in the suffering. Do not find wisdom where there is none. Just push ahead on your path and break the wall of the enemy around you. Birth forth your destiny now.


The enemy will try to stop you from entering your purpose and he is doing it by mind control and temptations. Reject his offers and come out of the world. Concentrate on my heavenly Kingdom and the upcoming birth of your destiny.

Seek the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness first and then all will be given to you. You will walk in my Glory on earth for all to see. The Light of the Heavens will cover you like a mantle and you will find rest in my mighty arms.


Triple Grace



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