Prophetic Word for the 5th of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 5th of December 2021 - A fervent heart
I am your Lord and I come to seek the hearts of my creation to see if I find a fervent heart that is willing to stand for my Kingdom and to serve me as never before in these last days.
Then I found you and I saw deep in your heart that you are a warrior who will be able to stand on all battlefields to oppose the evil side. You have a fervent heart for such a time as this.
A fervent heart
I selected and called you into my army that I have separated from the world. That I trained and prepared for the mighty battles that will ensue now. That I will sent into the fields that are ripe for the harvest.
I moved you through the wilderness and protected you in many fires so that you are now my chosen vessel who will represent my heavenly light in the upcoming days of great darkness in the world.
A fervent heart
You have a fervent heart like Moses and Elijah who stood in their days before powers and kings for my glory. A fervent heart that allowed David to oppose Goliath and to take him down.
Such a fervent heart is needed now again when the evil flood will overrun the world and when the Antichrist will become the ruler of it all. You will stand against the new Pharaoh and you will set my people free.
Triple Grace