Prophetic Word for the 5th of February 2022

Prophetic Word for the 5th of February 2022 - Deeper and deeper
You are moving deeper and deeper into the new season that will bring forth your destiny and purpose on earth. Deeper and deeper you are called into my heavenly Kingdom with new revelations and understanding.
You have become my sons and daughters that I have selected for this moment in time to become my true ambassadors and witnesses in the nations. Who carry the mandate of harvest workers and warriors.
Deeper and deeper
I have called you out of the world and the churches to show you my way. This includes a new understanding of time and space. Not as your scientists try to understand it but through my eyes.
I am omnipotent and omnipresent because my ways are different from the ways of the world. My path does not differentiate between past present and future but combines all three in a moment of time.
Deeper and deeper
Once you walk my path you will see the difference and you will get a glimpse of eternity. Only through my ways can the harvest be gathered in such a short time. A multitude that no one can number.
It is time to come deeper and deeper into my Kingdom and to start the race that will end at the base of Mount Zion, the mountain not carved with human hands. Allow me to take you to the next level in which you will serve me as never before.
Triple Grace