Prophetic Word for the 5th of January 2022

Prophetic Word for the 5th of January 2022 - You will wake up to my ways
Many of my children think that they have more time. Time to rectify their lives and time to clean their houses. But there is no more time and you will wake up to my ways. My ways will become your ways.
I am making everything new including time and space. Closed doors will be opened at my will and new paths will appear from nowhere. Time and Laws will change when you walk in circular time.
You will wake up to my ways
I have called you to walk under an open Heaven with me together. I will guide you through the dark valleys and will prepare a table in front of your enemies. Together we will seek the lost sheep to return them home.
My ways will become your ways and my end time masterpiece will be your destiny for my Kingdom. The brides are called into their places to serve me and my son as never before. The time is here to walk my ways.
You will wake up to my ways
Walking into dimensions once closed to humanity will allow to bring in the multitude clothed in white and it will connect all events of the past, present and future together into my glorious fabric.
The day is here when you will wake up to your destiny and all has changed. The old life will be no more but my rivers of living waters will spring up in the desert to strengthen you in your final race to Mount Zion. You will wake up to my ways.
Triple Grace