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Prophetic Word for the 5th of March 2021

Prophetic Word for the 5th of March 2021 - A marker in time

Today is a marker in time. A season is ending a new one will start. Step forward now and serve me as never before. The harvest is huge but the workers are few.

When the new things will come upon the earth and your life will change forever then know and understand that I will be with you always. I have chosen you even before you were born.

A marker in time

This is the hour when I will return for my creation. When I will claim my sheep from the earth. A time when all will begin. You waited for this point for a long time.

I saw and see your faithfulness in watching for my coming. You did not fall by the wayside but remained on the path that will lead you to Mount Zion.

A marker in time

Today marks the time when I will come in power and glory back onto the earth. The waiting period is over and all will be manifested as it is written in my scriptures.

Stay on the path, seek my Kingdom as never before and pray always that you will be accounted worthy for your destiny and purpose here on earth. I will cover and protect you as my remnant.


Triple Grace


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