Prophetic Word for the 5th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 5th of May 2022 - The Portal is close
You need to focus on my Kingdom and on your destiny and purpose in the world. I am opening the portal very soon and then all will begin. Stand strong and without any doubts. You are called to serve me in this moment in time.
The Remnant Army of New Zion is moving forward and soon the first battle will take place. Know and understand that you are strong enough to stand against the enemy on each and every battlefield.
The Portal is close
My mighty hand will be seen when I open the door in Heaven and the light will transform all of my chosen vessels so that they get new strength and youth to run the final race towards Mount Zion.
The time has come when the stone will be cast. The stone that will smash the feet of the statue of the evil side and that will grow into a mountain - Mount Zion. My son is arriving with the portal.
The Portal is close
Do not overthink your destiny but trust me that I have prepared you well. All that you have to do is to listen to my voice and my commands. Fulfill that I am asking you to do and be my true ambassadors in the nations.
Live a Kingdom life by following the principles of Heaven and seek the lost sheep on my behalf. My chosen vessels will be put on display. You are ready for the portal to be opened. It is time.
Triple Grace