Prophetic Word for the 6th of April 2022

Prophetic Word for the 6th of April 2022 - Standing in the Light
When my son is arriving for his brides and the 40 days then a great light will be seen. Make sure that you will stand in this light by speaking forth the truth of my heavenly Kingdom.
Do not remain in the world that is covered by darkness and to not partake in the temptations that the enemy has prepared for all the lost sheep. He wants that you will miss the great light or reject it.
Standing in the Light
All my harvest workers and warriors will be standing in the Light. There they will receive the new gifts and mantles that I have stored up for them and there they will receive their final call as images of my son Jesus.
Walking as images of him in the nations as witnesses before him. Proclaiming the truth that the Light of the World has returned to the earth and standing in opposition to the many who will call him the Antichrist.
Standing in the Light
My Holy Spirit will be sent to help you in your witnessing activities so that you speak boldly with a strange tongue to confirm that the Son of Man has come for the brides, the little ones and the days of repentance.
You need to stand in his gap especially when my son is in the midst of Jerusalem for the 40 days. Many will reject him and not only the House of Judah but my Churches also. But you are my witnesses for him in the nations standing in the light.
Triple Grace