Prophetic Word for the 6th of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 6th of December 2021 - The passing over
It is time for the passing over. I am calling the brides into their places and the first fruit of the wheat harvest into my Kingdom. The day for the passing over has come. A day of reckoning for a fallen world.
On this day I will separate the light from the darkness and the ones who stand for my Kingdom from the vanity of the world. This is the day when you cross the Jordan into the promised land.
The passing over
The children are gathered and ready and the Leah brides are waiting for the escape. My son is on earth to take you all into the places prepared. The places in which you will fulfill your destiny.
Stand ready for the breaking of the camp and the transport over the Jordan into the Future Past. I am taking my vessels and place them close to me so that my ways will become your ways.
The passing over
As Joshua took the Israelites over the Jordan so will my son take you through the portal into the place that was prepared for each group. The third heaven for the children and the first fruits and New Zion for the warriors and harvest workers.
It is time to come out of the world and to become my true sons and daughters who will represent the light of heaven on earth. I am sending you into the darkness so that the world will see a great light. It is time for the passing over.
Triple Grace