Prophetic Word for the 6th of July 2021

Prophetic Word for the 6th of July 2021 - Returning Home
Do you realize that by entering your destiny you are returning home? Home to me into my open arms. Also the new place is not yet the true Mount Zion and paradise but it will be a place that I have created for you.
You will return home to the place that you belong to. To blessings and miracles. I will make sure that you will receive the perfect welcome and that all will fit your personal destiny.
Returning Home
I am looking forward to this reunion with tears in my eyes. Happy tears for your my child to hold you again in my arms and sorrowful tears for all those who were not able to come with you.
Therefore, I am asking you to serve me as never before and to visit the lost sheep in their dark places to take as many as possible out of the hands of the enemy. Will you do that for your true Father? Will you walk in the image of my only begotten son Jesus who did it before you?
Returning Home
Every step in your final assignment will take you closer and closer to Paradise on Mount Zion and at the finishing line you will not only be raptured into Paradise and receive your private mansion from your Lord and Savior but also will you be married to your heavenly bridegroom as the Rachel bride.
Start now you walk towards your real home by listening to my voice and seeking the lost sheep that I am guiding you to. Right from the beginning of your destiny you will return home to me. I am coming for you so very soon.
Triple Grace