Prophetic Word for the 6th of May 2021

Prophetic Word for the 6th of May 2021 - Heaven on Earth
You new places are my gift for you. For your faithfulness and your persistence to walk the narrow and righteous path. I will grant you the first dominion of my Kingdom here on earth.
You will be living under an open Heaven as Moses did when he could talk to me in the tent of meeting. I will be with you always and you can meet me any time day or night. A new relationship of Father to child will be born.
Heaven on Earth
These new places are made for you so that you can be blessed beyond measure and walk as the images of my son Jesus Christ in the world. But they are also your refuge and resting places in which you will find shelter and quietness to seek me in a new manner.
They are my holy places for the true ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven. Places that do not belong to the world but to Heaven. Places where angels will go in and out as on the ladder Jacob saw.
Heaven on Earth
In these places you will find all the resources you need to replace your armor after a mighty battle and to get a new sharpened sword. The helmet of salvation is ready available to all warriors at all time.
Your harvest will be brought into my heavenly places after each and every raid you do into the dark realm. There they will be changed by my power and my grace so that they can make their garment white as snow. Your new place will be a true Heaven on Earth!
Triple Grace