Prophetic Word for the 6th of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 6th of November 2020 - Working for the Kingdom
My children are deceived by religious spirits and voices from leaders who are wolves in sheep clothing. These voices claim that you do not need to work for my Kingdom.
Have they not read my scriptures? Have they not seen the examples of my son Jesus and have they not followed the works of the apostles for the harvest?
Working for the Kingdom
Salvation is a free gift and no worldly work can earn your salvation but the moment when you have received this free gift you became a son or daughter of the Kingdom.
And my sons and daughters are willing to step forth for the Kingdom of Heaven, obeying my voice and doing a work for me. Kingdom work has nothing to do with worldly activities or trying to gain salvation by deeds.
Working for the Kingdom
It has everything to do with obedience, taking your cross and belonging 100% to my Kingdom. After you were saved and you became a new creation in Christ then your soul yearned for Kingdom work.
This can be winning of souls, proclaiming my Kingdom on earth, starting a ministry for Kingdom purposes and bringing in the harvest of the ages. My greatest warriors are doing all the above and they will receive the crown of obedience for their Kingdom work.
Triple Grace