Prophetic Word for the 7th of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 7th of April 2021 - Your Life
The shift is here. Your life will change completely. I will promote you from the prison to the palace and you will walk as Kings and Priests on earth.
My harvest time has come and the brides have made themselves ready. They are awaiting the return o my only begotten son Jesus in eager expectation.
Your Life
A new beginning is here and it comes with a new place that I have prepared for you so that you can fulfill your destiny and purpose on earth.
A life changing moment is at hand. In the twinkling of an eye all will be different. A new time, a new place and a new assignment.
Your Life
Your life will now turn to the better. I have taken you through the wilderness and the fire but now you will receive the rewards for your faithfulness.
You will live the life you have always dreamed and prayed about with a transformed body, rejuvenated so that you can finish the race strong and covered with new mantles of my heavenly authority. Your life will change.
Triple Grace