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Prophetic Word for the 7th of July 2022

Prophetic Word for the 7th of July 2022 - You are not alone

I am sending the Saints of Old to support you in these days of preparation for the anointing. John will tend to you. The former rain has come to join the latter rain in the harvest.

You are not alone but the whole of Heaven will assist you in your destiny and purpose in the seal tribulation. Former and latter rain will act as one in this moment of time and during all the troubles that are coming onto the earth.

You are not alone

The total might of heaven with the powerful angelic army and the Saints of Old will be available once you enter your anointing as a new apostle for such a time as this. Stay holy in the upcoming days so that the light will find you.

A flash of light will bring the baptism of fire. You will be on fire for me and my Kingdom. Ready to seek the lost sheep and to set the captives free. Ready to receive the mantle of light to show it to the nations.

You are not alone

I am sending the former rain to join you and to stand on your side on each and every battlefield. To guide you in your first steps of the harvest. They did it before you. Listen to their advice.

It is not written that the former and the latter rain will be on earth in the end times? My scriptures will now be fulfilled. John will tend to you and all other vessels that are called into the anointing.


Triple Grace


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