Prophetic Word for the 7th of March 2022

Prophetic Word for the 7th of March 2022 - See it
I bring clarity to my scriptures through the events that are unfolding right before your eyes. I am removing my restraint from the nations in this world so that the seal tribulations can begin.
I have chosen my vessels for such a time as this and they have made themselves ready as the brides for my son Jesus and as the powerful warriors in my Remnant Army of New Zion.
See it
All what you have to do now is to open your eyes and see the signs of the times. The red rider is starting to move and my only begotten son will walk the earth so very soon for the brides, the new apostles and the disciples.
Open your eyes and see it all. It is a confirmation of that what I have shown you through many revelations and that you have received as the Masterpiece of the End Times. I am in control of it all.
See it
Do not fall for the lies and deception of your world leaders who are trying to bind you into New Egypt but seek my Kingdom and its righteousness first and foremost. I am birthing the Sons of God for such a time as this.
Stand ready for the greatest destiny you have ever encountered. To be my witnesses and ambassadors in the nations and to stand against the evil flood and much opposition. I am calling my army into position. See it all.
Triple Grace