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Prophetic Word for the 7th of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 7th of September 2021 - Your names are written

The world will count you and call it a Census but I have recorded the names of my chosen vessels in Heaven. A list was made and placed at the gate of New Zion. Only vessels whose names are found on that list can enter New Zion.

I will add more names over the 40 days of my son Jesus on earth because some of the Leah brides will volunteer to stay and be part of the harvest and also some of the shepherds will acknowledge my son during this time.

Your names are written

After the 40 days the list will be complete and all names will be recorded in Heaven. Then your destiny will begin and a great revival and harvest will follow. But first your names must be written.

The gifts and blessings I have for you are connected to my heavenly records of the harvesting brides. They can only be bestowed on you when I find your name on the list. The records declare that you belong to me and are my true sons and daughters.

Your names are written

Satan is doing his census right now using data for the toxin to bring his minions together. My records are not a simple worldly census but a personal calling into your purpose and destiny of your life.

A service towards your true Father like my only begotten son did. I covered him with my Glory and I will do the same for all those who will walk in his image on earth during the seal tribulations. Your names are written.


Triple Grace


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