Prophetic Word for the 8th of April 2022

Prophetic Word for the 8th of April 2022 - Once fulfilled
Once all is fulfilled I will open the portal to release the blessings onto you. The final calling has gone out because the time is short before my Kingdom will merge with the earth.
You are called to prepare in this final moments. I am counting on all of my harvest workers and warriors to fulfill the final call. Prepare now so that I can release the gifts, mantles and resources for you.
Once fulfilled
The final call will end the first seven years and will mark the beginning of your destiny and purpose. Step forward in Love, Unity and Support among my children so that you are accounted worthy to stand before the Son of Man.
This is the final call before my angels will collect you to pass the heavenly portal. I am not giving you a burden that you can not fulfill but I see your faith, your strength and the will to sacrifice for my Kingdom purposes.
Once fulfilled
Now come together in unity and fulfill your calling that I have given you. Do not doubt my words nor your destiny. It is time to give up the world and to move into my open arms.
The final call is here and your bridegroom is standing at your door. Once the call is fulfilled you will meet him so that the heavenly union can commence. The brides are given the final call.
Triple Grace