Prophetic Word for the 8th of August 2022

Prophetic Word for the 8th of August 2022 - A new beginning in the Kingdom
You are invited to a new beginning in the Kingdom of God. Chosen and separated for such a time as this. Attacked by your brothers and sisters and cast out of the churches, you will do the will of the Father.
A new dawn is here in which Heaven is merging with the Earth and the tribulations will begin. I have sent my only begotten son Jesus to fulfill scriptures and to gather the brides and the little ones.
A new beginning in the Kingdom
You are birthed forth as the Sons of God to bring my truth to the nations. I formed you right from the womb of your mothers to stand in the gap for my lost sheep in this wicked and evil generation.
You will work for my Kingdom in the nations as true ambassadors who will represent the Heaven on earth. I will guide you in all your steps that you do for me on each and every battlefield.
A new beginning in the Kingdom
You will be attacked by the enemy in many different ways but Satan will not be able to take you out of the palms of my hand nor to remove you from the path that you have volunteered for.
You will fulfill your destiny and purpose on the earth and this day marks a new beginning in the Kingdom of God. Follow my voice in childlike faith and seek the lost sheep of the House of Israel for the harvest of the ages.
Triple Grace