Prophetic Word for the 8th of February 2021

Prophetic Word for the 8th of February 2021 - My Army
I am calling my army on the battle field. The house was taken and evil prevailed. Now it is up to my Remnant Army of Kings and Priests to stand against the enemy.
You are called into battle formation, into positions to lead the first attack against the sons of darkness. Listen carefully to my orders and commandments and fulfill them without hesitation.
My Army
The army of heaven is deployed to be the banner and standard against the rising evil flood. This army consists of chosen vessels who have proved their loyalty to my Kingdom and were refined as gold in the fire.
I clothed them with the full armor and I gave them a sword that the enemy cannot destroy. I am guiding them on the battlefield and they can and will trust me with their lives.
My Army
The Army of Kings and Priests has assembled on earth. Their commander in chief Jesus Christ will lead them and they will walk as his images on all continents and in all nations.
A mighty warrior cry will go out before them and a burning fire behind. Before them a world that celebrates but behind them a place of conflagration. Justice has come to the world and I am merging heaven and earth. My Army is deployed.
Triple Grace