Prophetic Word for the 8th of January 2022

Prophetic Word for the 8th of January 2022 - Eternity dwells in your heart
You are on the path to eternity. Your final race will end at Mount Zion where I will take you into Paradise to be with me forever. Eternity dwells in your heart. Can you feel it?
I have woken you up to the promises you have given me before I placed you in your mother's womb. The promise to seek the lost sheep who got astray in the world. Who forgot about their inheritance.
Eternity dwells in your heart
You remembered that you are part of my royal household, co-heirs with my son Jesus and true sons and daughters of the Most High. I searched your heart and found the flame of eternity still burning.
Therefore I took you into the palm of my hand and separated you from the World for my Kingdom purpose to bring in the harvest. I made you strong and powerful in your faith and placed you on the new path.
Eternity dwells in your heart
Seven years my Holy Spirit worked on you with new revelations, dreams and visions. I guided you to the ministries that were called to be my voices for such a time as this and you followed everything I told you.
You became my harvest workers who accepted the truth no matter how unbelievable it sounded and you spread the principles of my Kingdom as best as you could. Your diligent work for my Kingdom made you ready brides of my son Jesus and true ambassadors for me on earth. Now you will enter my ways because eternity dwells in your heart.
Triple Grace