Prophetic Word for the 8th of June 2021

Prophetic Word for the 8th of June 2021 - The beginning of the end
You are standing at th verge of a new beginning. The beginning of the end. My end time plan is coming to live right now in front of your eyes. Many great changes will appear and the world will be taken back in time.
This moment in time will open the scroll of the Book of Revelation. A new 7 year period is starting in which my harvesting brides will seek out the lost sheep and the ones who are part of the sleeping churches.
The beginning of the end
A major paradigm shift for all of my creation is at hand. My mighty hand will be seen when it comes through the portal of Heaven that I will open to allow the return of my son Jesus to collect his bride.
Everything will change from this day forward and many people will stand in perplexity when the children and the greater part of the Leah bride are gone. How will they mourn for their little ones?
The beginning of the end
This time marks the beginning of the end not only for my people but also for the enemy. Satan knows that his time is short and out of this reason will he spring the trap that shall ensnare the whole world.
Hades will overrun the earth for a certain time as it is written in my scriptures and war will be made with my saints. All this is part of the end. Finally when my Kingdom has won the battle, the true end will come and my only begotten son Jesus will return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Triple Grace