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Prophetic Word for the 8th of May 2021

Prophetic Word for the 8th of May 2021 - The day is approaching

My day is approaching in which the world will see the return of my son Jesus. That great day of the Lord is nearer than most think. Do not take your eyes from the prize and watch the Heavens for your bridegroom.

A day of darkness and great sorrows for the whole earth will come when the portal of Heaven opens but a day of rejoicing and celebration for my chosen vessels and the bride of Christ.

The day is approaching

I see your faith and your actions for my Kingdom and that your deeds today are much stronger than they were before. You have grown in wisdom and understanding. Woken up to your destiny and purpose on earth.

You have learned to come together in love, unity and support as my remnant warriors and you understand that your action and your mission will save so many souls. You will set as many captives free as possible.

The day is approaching

The time has passed the point of no return and my powerful day is approaching with great speed. You will hear the sound from Heaven when my portal will open and then the whirlwind will come for you.

A whole new world will await you but rest assured that you are prepared well and able to stand against the evil flood. I trust you with the first dominion and I will bless you with new mantles and great resources when you remain on the path towards Mount Zion. My day is approaching.


Triple Grace


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