Prophetic Word for the 8th of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 8th of November 2020 - A new beginning
This day marks a new beginning in my calendar of the end times. All what is prophesied for such a time as this is now being set into motion.
Judgements are decreed and declared. My holy nation has not repented and returned to my ways. I am coming to shake the heavens and the earth.
A new beginning
Brace yourself! Brace yourself for what is coming down onto the world. U am doing a new thing and you are called into service right now. I will take you to places unknown to you before.
My Glory will be poured out onto you to enter your destiny and purpose here on earth. Stand together now in the Upper room so that you do not miss your day of visitation.
A new beginning
A new era has begun, my Kingdom has come, but many are still living in the old ways. They have not heard my trumpet blasts on Mount Zion and do not listen to my voices.
I am sending my harvest workers out to gather my true sons and daughters for their new home, my place of refuge at Mount Zion. Paradise! It started in the Garden and it will end in the Garden. My words are holy and will stand for all eternity.
Triple Grace