Prophetic Word for the 8th of November 2021

Prophetic Word for the 8th of November 2021 - Assignment
Do you know that I have assigned an angel over every vessel that I have called and separated for such a time as this. This angel will not only transport you into your destiny but will also stand with you in every mission that you will do for my Kingdom.
I have selected the angels well for this task and they know you in and out. Your former life, your weaknesses and your strength and they will support you in your growth during the harvest time.
You will never be alone in the dark valleys that you need to visit to seek my lost sheep and your assigned angels will also be ready to help you in all situations that may arise.
They will also make sure that you will return to New Zion to find rest and peace after your missions. I have assigned my angels according to your attitude, bravery and walk with me.
Only very few of my warriors are aware of their assigned angels. Some have met them in their dreams and visions before but they will become more accessible once the portal will open.
They are my heavenly assignments to guide you in my ways. I have promised you that my ways will become your ways and these angels are my hands that will make sure that you walk the Kingdom path. Trust them. I have assigned them well.
Triple Grace