Prophetic Word for the 9th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 9th of May 2022 - Holy Preparations
As my son Jesus has prepared his apostles by washing their feet so will it be again with the new apostles and disciples. You will enter now a period of holy preparations that will bring you to the opening of the portal.
These preparations will last 14 days and you will experience deep dreams and visions, mighty angelic encounters and even bodily changes. The final preparations that will make you ready to stand before the Son of Man.
Holy Preparations
You will be refreshed in body, mind and soul. Ready to give your life for the harvest and my Kingdom. Willing to carry your cross and to walk as the images of my son Jesus in the nations.
You will be appointed my true ambassadors on earth who will speak forth the truth of Heaven and who will introduce my Kingdom to a fallen world. I am going to prepare your for your destiny.
Holy Preparations
Get ready for heavenly encounters, greater knowledge and understanding and revelations that are not of this world. Many things that were not clear to you yet will fall into place and you will know your purpose in the world.
My holy preparations will close your development that started with me selecting and separating you from the world. It will bring greater power and understanding to your situation right now. But remember even more gifts will come when I will open the portal.
Triple Grace