Prophetic Word for the 9th of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 9th of November 2020 - Altars
I am establishing my altars in a fallen world. Holy Places were I will gather my harvest. Arks of safety and refuge for my warrior armies and their families.
These places will be holy because I am holy and there the people will walk on holy ground and be with me forever and ever. I will feed them and cover them throughout the storm.
You are called forth to establish these altars in your areas or to support the great arks to be finalized. My spirit rests on them as it rested on my servant Noah.
I have found righteous people in these dark times who are preparing the vessels for me and who will bring in the harvest 2 by 2. As it were in the times of Noah so will it be again.
A day will come when I will close the doors to the arks, holy places and altars and then my wrath will be poured out onto the wicked for their slander, their haughtiness and their murders.
As for now I am calling you all to help my new Noah's to establish the altars and arks in the nations. My Noah's know already where to build and how to prepare them. Help them with resources, provisions and prayers. Stand with them against the crowd of mockers and scoffers. You are my chosen vessels.
Triple Grace