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Save the Children! My Testimony

Michael - My testimony about the children and my Mission to Cambodia

I am the founder of Triple Grace and 54 years old. I always had great compassion for any suffering child in the world and so this year I decided to go on a Mission to Cambodia. Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world and since many people lack resources children suffer a lot.

I was prepared for the worst but what I see here is breaking my heart every day. Homeless families with very young children that play naked on the roadside. No clean water, no clean food and no school.

Today I saw another heartbreaking picture. Three young children alone on the road, looking for food, holding each other by the hand. The youngest, a girl, around 3 years old had no shoes and walked on the concrete road. A picture of suffering! Such young children must be rescued, fed and taken care of.

Most of the time the parents are looking for jobs or collecting rubbish to survive. They do whatever they can to support their children but poverty forces them to live on the road under dire circumstances. The children do not go to school and are helping to find food or things to sell.

We, Triple Grace, assist such children and their families with clothing, food, shelter and especially education. In some cases we provide health care and counseling when violence is added to the mix and the children get abused which makes their lives even more worse.

Unfortunately our resources are also limited and we need the help from true Christians who have a heart for children who are suffering. If you could only walk with me the roads daily and see what I see then you would thank the Lord that you were born and raised in a relatively wealthy nation.

Please support our Mission in Cambodia and allow us to save as many children as possible. Alone I can do only so little but together we can truly change the life for the little ones our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loved so much.

Jesus said: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Allow us to bring clothes, food and education to these little ones who suffer just because they are poor. Are we not called forth to lift up the needy. How much more should that be valid for needy children!

Please send your donations through these two links:

Triple Grace at Patreon:

or PayPal:

P.S.: In our Mission to Cambodia we came across the case of Baby Grace who needed funds for an urgent surgery and with the help of a few great Christians we raised the funds and Baby Grace is now recovering. If you are interested to support the family of Baby Grace you will find the information on our Patreon page:

Thank you that you will step forward for these little ones to change their lives and to bring back a smile onto their faces!

I love you all!


Triple Grace



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