The Great Exodus - The trumpet sounded at Mount Sinai
We are almost there! Help us with the last 150 US Dollars!
The last 150 US Dollars are missing and we have the first month post operational treatment for Baby Grace paid.
Remember that you are mothers and fathers with own small children also. How would you feel if one of your little ones need help but you could not afford it and nobody is willing to help? As true Christians we are all called forth to support the needy children and in this case a baby who relies on us!
Open your heart and skip in to rescue Baby Grace so that she can start a normal, GOD given life. Follow this link and look for the image of Baby Grace then please place your kind donations:
If you prefer PayPal to help Baby Grace:
The Lord will bless you for your support and help!
Triple Grace
If you have any questions please send them to